Saturday, February 22, 2014

Professional German women during the war

During the Great War women had access to jobs that had previously been occupied solely by men. These photos portray German women at work and are taken from Germany in Wartime: Personal Experiences of an American Woman in Germany by Mary Ethel McAuley. My personal favorite from this chapter -- "The Women Workers of Berlin"-- is not shown here but can be found in my book's introduction. :)

Captions are as they appear in the book.

"A Chauffeur"
"A German elevator 'boy' "
"Reading the gas meter."
"A famous 'cabby' in Berlin."

German-occupied Belgium, 1914

Photos taken from I Was a Spy!, the memoir of Belgian spy Marthe Cnockaert McKenna.

"The coming of the grey wave."
Germans marching into Belgium, August, 1914
Belgian refugees, August, 1914
"A newly-arrived batch of British prisoners."
"Christmas, 1914."